Room Camp – Ep. 10

I’ve been sick for most of this month so blogging got put on hold for the umpteenth time. Honestly, I’m still recovering but Room Camp is short so let’s use that to ease back into things (Magia Record can wait).

At the beginning of this episode, the girls ponder about vlogging their club activities. While this is meant to be a fun conversation, I would love to see a spin-off series with this scenario in mind. Some in-universe short videos where the girls directly addresses the viewer about their activities as though they are real world vloggers. Perhaps they’d be a bit redundant since we have the original Room Camp segments but I wouldn’t mind watching them. I nevertheless enjoy the conversation as is, especially when Chiaki plays it up for laughs by turning the proposed scenario into a Blair Witch parody (there’s another spin-off pitch right there).

Room Camp has skimmed over some locations before but for once, I’m disappointed to see that as the case. I mean, the characters are visiting ice caverns! That’s a pretty atypical sight in Laid-Back Camp. Darn it, Nadeshiko. You just had to get lost. On the flip side, people apparently camp near the caves. It’d be really neat to see this location revisited in the main show.

As brief as Rin’s reappearance is, I’ll take it. I swear, this show puts her screentime on a premium that they might as well charge for it (and they kind of are with the OVA being Rin focused). Besides, it is really funny how Nadeshiko mistakes Rin’s voice for a ghost’s, making her more anxious about being lost and by herself.

It’s nice to see Rin and Nadeshiko catch up. Besides a text message or two in an earlier episode, this scene is the first time in a while where we’ve seen what is arguably Laid-Back Camp‘s two main protagonists together. Rin asking Nadeshiko if the rally has been fun makes me wonder if she wants to tag along for the remainder of the stamp rally but I have a feeling she won’t join. She’s not the type of person to make that kind of request and she also mentions that she’s at the ice caves to camp solo. I doubt she’d be glum about it though. Doing her own thing is how she rolls and she seems happy to just see her friend again and find her having a good time. Plus, it’s not like we won’t see the two hanging out in the future.

With the stamp sheet back in Nadeshiko’s possession, the ED is updated accordingly. It’s back to normal again! Although I must say, and I’m not trying to be mean here, I can’t help but feel that Nadeshiko did a sloppy job putting the past two stamps onto the sheet. She had to use tape for those? She should’ve used sticky notes.

Thanks for reading!

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2 thoughts on “Room Camp – Ep. 10

  1. ” I can’t help but feel that Nadeshiko did a sloppy job putting the past two stamps onto the sheet. She had to use tape for those? She should’ve used sticky notes.”

    But that strikes me as… just so Nadeshiko. Outside of food, she’s not always the most competent person ever.

    Liked by 1 person

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